Vernal Equinox Sunrise 2021

On Saturday March 20, 2021, we had the first spring sunrise, the vernal equinox sunrise. I decided to get up early and head down to our favorite beach here in Evanston, Lighthouse Beach on Lake Michigan to shoot some video and time-lapse of the sunrise. I wanted to use a long lens to get a close-up of the sunrise along with a low wide angle shot for the time-lapse.

For the time-lapse I set the camera up about 15 feet away from where the video camera was in order to mitigate any sounds of the camera as it shot away. Once it was running I could just leave it do its thing as I was using the Timelapse+view app and system to create a smooth time-lapse of the changing exposures. I could then concentrate on the 4k video with the 600mm lens shooting the sun as it peaked over the horizon.

I wish I had shot a bit more of the detail shots to go along with the sunrise but if we use these shots in the film eventually we have plenty of detail shots we can add.

A beautiful start to spring in 2021! Enjoy!

#thesweetwaterseas #GreatLakes #LakeMichigan #Canon #Timelapse+view